FUTI Travel Award for Early-stage Scholars

FUTI Travel Award

for Early-stage Scholars


FUTI encourages early-stage scholars holding positions at the University of Tokyo to become major players in their respective international community. The FUTI Travel Award program aims to help the awardees build a strong international network with colleagues in the U.S. and other countries.


• Non-tenured associate professors and below, including specially-appointed professors, at the University of Tokyo

• Undergraduates, graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows are NOT eligible.

• Eligible fields include Natural Science: e.g., Medical, Biology, Public Health, Engineering, Chemistry, Physics, Data Science, Information and technology; STEM-eligible Social Science (broadly defined): e.g., Quantitative Political Science, Economics, and Quantitative Approach to Public Policy.


• This award is limited to a maximum of US$8,000 per person. The total budget for the Travel Awards is about US$50,000 per year.

• Award will be provided as reimbursement after the travel upon submission of an expense report including receipts, and a brief one-page report* on the trip. This award does not provide per diems.


• This award provides support for a short-term stay of less than 30 days for attending an international conference of small size (no more than about 300 participants where conference participants stay and have meals together in a small venue) and a “side trip” to visit colleagues at academic institutions. Examples in natural sciences include Gordon Conferences, Keystone Symposia, FASEB research conferences, Cold Spring Harbor meetings. Examples in economics include the NBER Summer nstitute, the Western Economic Association annual meeting, and the Econometric Society summer meeting (not the winter meeting). Other small-group meetings, even as a part of a large conference, of social science research based on quantitative/statistical methods will be considered.

• This award does not support other activities unrelated to the applicant’s scholarly subjects. However, this award permits the awardee to include such activities during the stay as long as the award is not used for supporting them.

 Priority will be given to US visits if there are a high number of applicants.

*Please be advised that reports and photos may be published on the FUTI website and on FUTI publications. If you have any specific privacy requests, please let us know in advance.

Application Process

• Curriculum vitae or biosketch in English that includes education, professional experiences, awards and research funding, publications, presentations at international conferences, and additional relevant information.

• A copy of EITHER (a) your invitation from the conference organizers to present at the conference OR (b) your application (including an abstract) to present at the conference.

• Statement on the applicant’s vision on becoming a major player in the international community (1 page, in English).

• Tentative travel itinerary, budget, and budget justification including an invitation/acceptance/information to the conference. We allow flexibility in budget to minimize bureaucracy and enhance effectiveness. However, as this award is supported by precious donations, we request applicants to avoid excessive expenditure.

• An application should be submitted at least 3 months before the start date of travel. Applications are accepted year-round, and applicants will be notified of the decision within 60 days of application.

FUTI Travel Award Recipients

Rin Yokoyama

Project Assistant Professor
Center for Nuclear Study
The University of Tokyo

Nuclear Structure 2024 Conference, Argonne National Laboratory – Lemont, Illinois

Misaki Matano

Project Assistant Professor
Institute of Social Science
The University of Tokyo

RC28 Summer Meeting 2024, Brown University – Providence, Rhode Island