RC28 Summer Meeting 2024 at Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island

Misaki Matano
Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo

Business Trip Report
September 5, 2024

From August 6th to 21st, 2024, I traveled to the United States and Canada for presentations at international conferences and research meetings with overseas colleagues.

From August 6th to the morning of August 8th, I attended the RC28 Summer Meeting 2024 held at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island, USA. I presented my research on “Session 223: Family and Intergenerational Exchange” on the 7th under the title of “Do Grandparents Compete with Their Grandchildren for Parental Resources?: The Case of Japan,” and received useful questions and comments that will contribute to the improvement of my future analysis on the transfer of resources among grandparents, parents, and grandchildren as a pathway of educational reproduction in the three generations.

From the 9th to the morning of the 13th, I attended the 119th American Sociological Association Annual Meeting held at the Montreal International Convention Center (Montreal, Quebec, Canada). I was able to grasp the latest research trends on social stratification, social mobility, and intergenerational transfer of resources.

From the afternoon of the 13th to the 20th, I visited Princeton University (Princeton, NJ, USA). I had a meeting with Mr. Ha-Joon Chung, a graduate student of the Department of Sociology at Princeton University, on the 16th. He gave me useful advice on the possibility of improving the analysis of the study of whether the competing relationship between grandparents and grandchildren is a pathway for the reproduction of three generations of academic achievement. I also participated in a workshop with him and other graduate students from the sociology department on the 19th, which helped me understand the importance of incorporating a family demographic perspective in research on intergenerational resource transfers.