The New Office and Mailing Address of FUTI

On September 16th the FUTI Board made a resolution that the office of Friends of UTokyo, Inc. shall move to 347 West 57th Street, #33B, New York, New York 10019-3171. This address (the home of President Kobayashi) will be registered as FUTI’s new office address for correspondences with the IRS (Internal Revenue Service) and New York State’s tax authority. For general correspondences, however, use of the following private mail box at its nearby UPS store is encouraged:
Friends of UTokyo, Inc. 331 West 57th Street, #164, New York, NY 10019-3101.
From its establishment in the fall of 2007 until last year, the office address of FUTI has been c/o Masuda International, 152 West 57th Street, New York, NY 10019, which was the office of Mr. Junji Masuda, the founding president of FUTI. Earlier this year, the FUTI office address was changed to c/o Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu NY LLP at the same address, the employer of Mr. Yasuhide Watanabe, Interim Secretary.
President Kobayashi and his Board members take this opportunity to thank President Emeritus Masuda and Mr. Watanabe for having provided numerous administrative tasks, such as receiving donation letters and sending acknowledgments and receipts. Mr. Watanabe’s office, which also serves as NY Ichokai’s office, will be asked to continue supporting FUTI’s correspondences with the NY Ichokai members.

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