The FUTI Alumni Association Kick-Off Party Held at the UTokyo NY Office

Fourteen FUTI alumni gathered at the FUTI Alumni Association kick-off party held at the UTokyo New York Office on September 28, 2019. The alumni came from six different states along the east coast where they currently work or study, and in addition to meeting each other, they met with the board and advisory committee members of FUTI. After a few words from Prof. Yamada, Prof. Kobayashi and Prof. Ojima on their experience in U.S. academia and their expectations for FUTI alumni, each of the alumni gave a presentation on their current research/work. We enjoyed learning about our peers working in a wide range of fields including architecture, art, biochemistry, biology, computer science, medical science, neuroscience, physics, political science, and sociology.

We had the opportunity to discuss some ideas on developing and making use of the network such as mentorship programs, talk sessions, and regional coffee hours. More ideas are welcome at any time. We also plan to make the meeting annual, possibly extending it to other parts of the US and Japan. Please stay tuned!

If you are an alumnus of the FUTI scholarship program and have not yet registered for the FUTI Alumni Association, please contact us at FUTIalumni[at]

Authors: Y. Haba and S. Miyano, co-founders of the FUTI Alumni Association
Translation: FUTI staff

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