Newsletter No. 15

Ms. Nobuko Sakurai and Dr. Fumiko Tamura Elected as Board Members

At the Board Meeting held on May 9, 2016, FUTI Advisory Committee Members, Nobuko Sakurai and Fumiko Tamura were elected ...

Six UTokyo Students and Eight U.S. Students Receive FUTI’s 2016 Summer Scholarships

The FUTI Award Selection Committee has selected six UTokyo students and eight U.S. students for this summer’s scholarship program. A ...

Ten Recipients Selected for the ITO FOUNDATION U.S.A.-FUTI Scholarship

With the ITO FOUNDATION U.S.A. as the financial sponsor, this year marked the first year of the ITO FOUNDATION U.S.A.-FUTI ...

Donors’ Messages: Dr. Shunpei Yamazaki and Prof. Iwao Ojima

We have made a request to several of our donors in FY 2015-2016 to write a few words to students ...

FUTI President, Prof. Masaaki Yamada Gives a Lecture, "A Future Energy Source, Nuclear Fusion, and Study of Plasmas in the Universe"

FUTI President, Prof. Masaaki Yamada gave a lecture titled “A Future Energy Source, Nuclear Fusion, and Study of Plasmas in ...

FUTI Presents Lecture by Distinguished International Tax Expert, Krishen Mehta:The Panama Papers in Perspective — How Illicit Capital Flows Make Us All Vulnerable

On May 17th, Professor Krishen Mehta (Senior Global Justice Fellow at Yale University) gave a lecture themed “The Panama Papers ...

“Go Global Study Abroad Fair 2016” Held at the Komaba Campus

“Go Global 2016,” a fair to encourage UTokyo students to study abroad, was held at the Komaba Campus on May ...