Mr. Wiegman of Modesto High School, California and Mr. Smith of Summit High School, Oregon, Receive FUTI’s Travel Grants to Attend PEAK

Alexander Wiegman

Alexander Wiegman

The Award Committee of Friends of UTokyo (FUTI) has granted travel scholarships to Mr. Alexander Wiegman of Modesto High School, California and Mr. Kyle Smith of Summit High School, Oregon who will enroll in PEAK (Programs in English at Komaba) of UTokyo in the fall of 2015. The FUTI scholarship covers a round trip airfare between the student’s hometown in the U.S. and Tokyo.
Mr. Wiegman is an International Baccalaureate (IB) student who enjoys near perfect SAT scores. He received numerous recognitions, including Science Olympiad Medals (at the state level) and the Outstanding Editor Award from Key Club (from the California-Nevada-Hawaii District). For further details about his activities, please visit At UTokyo, he intends to be enrolled in the “International Program on Environmental Sciences.”

Kyle Smith

Kyle Smith

Mr. Smith is also an honors student with near perfect SAT scores. He studied Japanese for four years in high school. He has been active in a variety of extracurricular activities including the high school’s choral ensembles and Japanese National Honor Society (, holding executive positions in both groups. He intends to be enrolled in the International Program on Japan in East Asia at PEAK.
Created in October 2012, PEAK comprises the first undergraduate degree programs at the University of Tokyo taught entirely in English. Through a highly competitive process, PEAK selected 75 students (including those with conditional offers) from 15 countries such as China, Korea, Vietnam, New Zealand and USA for the entering class of Fall 2015. PEAK consists of the “International Program on Japan in East Asia” and the “International Program on Environmental Sciences.” (For details, see the PEAK website)
With the addition of Messrs. Smith and Wiegman, the number of 2015 FUTI scholarship recipients will be 22. Nine are UTokyo students who will study at U.S. universities and 11 are U.S. university students who will participate in various summer courses or internship programs held at UTokyo or in the case of Messrs. Smith and Wiegman, in a four-year program at UTokyo.

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