© 2025 Friends of UTokyo, Inc.
The FUTI Scholarship is funded by donations from Shintech Inc., which is the US subsidiary of Shin-Etsu Chemical Co., Ltd, and donations from UTokyo alumni and individual supporters of FUTI.
The ITO FOUNDATION U.S.A. was established in the US by its founder, the late Mr. Masatoshi Ito, who was the honorary chairman of Seven and i Holdings Co. He was also the founder of the Ito Scholarship Foundation which has a long history in Japan of supporting an extensive range of students with scholarships for their studies. Currently, the role of chairman is held by the representative director, Junro Ito.
FUTI奨学金は、信越化学工業(株)の米国法人Shintech Inc.のご寄付、多数の東大卒業生個人のご寄付で支援されています。2007年のFUTI創立以来、東大と米国各大学の双方向の夏季短期留学に奨学金を支給してきました。2022年からはそれら短期に加えて、中長期留学の奨学金が始まりました。夏季短期留学に関しては従来通りで変更ありません。
「米国伊藤財団 ITO FOUNDATION U.S.A.」は、日本で既に広く学生に奨学金を提供して勉学を支援している伊藤謝恩育英財団の創立者で(株)セブン&アイ・ホールディングス前名誉会長の故伊藤雅俊氏が、同じく創立された米国の財団です。
「FUTI=Friends of UTokyo, Inc. 東大友の会」は、東大卒業生が中心となって、東大と米国の大学との間の留学生に奨学金を支給することを通じて、東大の国際化と両国学生間の交流に貢献して来た米国New York州のNPOです。
The Hsun Kwei & Aiko Takizawa Chou Scholarship, administered by Friends of UTokyo, Inc. (FUTI)is funded by a generous donation made to the University of Tokyo New York Office (UTokyoNY) by Dr. Hsun Kwei Chou and Mrs. Aiko Takizawa Chou.
Dr. Hsun Kwei Chou, a native of Shanghai City, moved to the United States upon receiving his PhD in Engineering from the University of Tokyo. In the U.S., he established himself as an “angel investor” after many successful ventures in the semiconductor-related business. His aspiration has been to foster “development and cooperation” among three nations: Namely, China, where he was raised; Japan, which provided him with an advanced education; and the United States, which presented him with business opportunities. He has donated large sums to educational institutions in these three countries because he believes his wealth to be a “gift from societies” and wishes to give back to them by donating to educational institutions that nurture people who strive to create a better society.
UTokyoNY was created to serve in the U.S.A. as a focal point of the globalization effort of UTokyo which is committed to be “the base of knowledge.” Since facilitating study abroad programs between UTokyo and U.S. universities matches the intention of Dr. and Mrs. Chou, it created the scholarship program bearing their names and entrusted FUTI to serve as its administrator.
FUTI is a charitable nonprofit organization registered in the State of New York, operated principally by alumni of the University of Tokyo. Since 2010 it has financially supported students and alumni of UTokyo who wish to study at U.S. universities and those in the U.S. seeking to study at UTokyo. In recent years, there is an increasing recognition of the value of and need for such programs.
The aspiration and intention of these three entities have aligned and come to fruition with the establishment of this scholarship program.
「周顺圭・周滝沢愛子 奨学金」は、周 顺圭・周滝沢愛子のご夫妻が東京大学ニューヨークオフィスに寄付された基金を源資とする奨学金です。
周 顺圭氏は上海市出身で、東京大学大学院で工学博士を取得された後に、米国で半導体関連の企業を立て続けに設立し成功された連続起業家で、エンジェル投資家です。氏を育ててくれた中国、専門教育を授けてくれた日本、事業の場を与えてくれた米国、これら三国の協調発展を願っておられます。ご自分の資産は「社会から預かった金」と受け止められ、より良い社会を実現するために、人を育てる教育に投資したいとの想いから、三国の教育機関に多額の寄付をしておられます。
東京大学とその米国の根拠地であるニューヨークオフィスは、東京大学が知の拠点として更なる国際化を目指す一環として、東京大学と米国各大学との相互の留学を促進支援することは、周ご夫妻の想いに沿う社会貢献であると考えられ、東大友の会(FUTI; Friends of UTokyo, Inc.)に奨学金の運用を委託されました。