IF Ikuei Scholarship Recipient Receives 2024 ASLA Student Honor Award for Urban Design

Yui Omori, a recipient of the ITO FOUNDATION U.S.A.-FUTI IF Ikuei Scholarship, received an Honor Award from the prestigious 2024 ASLA (American Society of Landscape Architects) Student Awards for her work with the North Carolina State University team’s coastal design proposal project, “Riverside Revival: Urban Design Strategies for Coastal Development”. Omori’s task in the project was to develop the resilience framework which, using nature-based approaches, accommodates future uncertainties of sea-level rises and extreme events. More information on the project can be found at the ASLA website: https://www.asla.org/2024studentawards/10957.html.

Omori received the FUTI IF Ikuei Scholarship in 2021 and the ITO FOUNDATION U.S.A.-FUTI Scholarship in 2022 to support her studies at North Carolina State University. After obtaining her Master of Landscape Architecture degree from NC State, she went on to receive her Disaster Resilience Certificate about four months ago. She will also be attending the ASLA conference that will take place in Washington D.C. next month.

A slide from the Riverside Revival project presentation. Image credit: Yui Omori and Jules Mainor

Ms.Omori experienced the Tohoku earthquake disaster in 2011. This experience encouraged her to contribute to society as a “Coastal Planner” and resulted in her study of the related subject matter at University of Kyoto and North Carolina State University.

FUTI Board Member, Geeta Mehta commented, “As an urban designer myself, I want to add my congratulations to Ms.Omori and her co-authors for this prestigious award from ASLA. The subject of their project, ‘Riverside Revival: Urban Design Strategies for Coastal Development’ is of particular importance in this age of climate change.”