After establishing in December 2023 the FUTI Travel Award for Early-stage Scholars holding positions at the University of Tokyo, FUTI has already received six applications. We have selected three and are eagerly waiting for the reports on their travels and experience at the conferences which will take place this summer.
Several applications were declined not for insufficient quality of content, but mainly because they did not fit within the eligibility criteria. The FUTI Travel Award is open to non-tenured, early-stage scholars at the University of Tokyo. Undergraduates, graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows are not eligible. Eligible fields in the current program year (2023-24) include Natural Science: e.g., Medical, Biology, Public Health, Engineering, Chemistry, Physics, Data Science, Information and technology; STEM-eligible Social Science (broadly defined): e.g., Quantitative Political Science, Economics, and Quantitative Approach to Public Policy. This Award provides support for a short-term stay in the United States of less than 30 days for attending an international conference of small size (no more than about 300 participants) and a “side trip” to visit colleagues at academic institutions.
The award budget is $8,000 each and will be awarded in the form of reimbursements after travel upon submission of an expense report including receipts.
Applications are being accepted throughout the year! Non-tenured, early-stage scholars at the University of Tokyo are encouraged to apply and to spread the word of this award.
For more information, please visit friendsofutokyo.org/futitravelaward