FUTI Spring Campaign

FUTI has grown steadily over the years and continues to contribute to the globalization of UTokyo. Since its inception in 2007 FUTI has cumulatively supported more than 220 UTokyo students to study in the US and US students to undertake internships or studies at UTokyo, providing them with invaluable experiences. These students include recipients of the ITO FOUNDATION U.S.A.-FUTI scholarships (55 students) and FUTI Global Leadership Scholarships (173 students).

We are pleased to note that despite the long Covid-19 pandemic, a number of FUTI scholarship students and alumni have continued to actively pursue study abroad opportunities.

These programs were made possible solely with the generosity of our supporters, and we would greatly appreciate your continuing support as also expressed in FUTI President’s message below:

Dear Supporters of Friends of UTokyo, Inc. (FUTI):

I hope this message finds you well.  The Covid-19 virus pandemic drastically changed all aspects of our lives worldwide. Thanks to the highly efficacious vaccines, we can see possible transition from pandemic to endemic. Nevertheless, we may have to deal with evolving variants of this virus for a long time. Also, brutal Russian military invasion to Ukraine this early spring is threatening the world peace based on democracy. Those pandemic, military conflicts, and economic sanctions against Russia are affecting supply chains, which is causing worrisome inflations. Climate change is causing various natural disasters, while the world is dealing with pandemic, war and economic problems. Time and time again, one thing that has become clear is the critical importance of leadership in politics, business, science, technology, arts, etc., to properly deal with this unprecedented huge crisis on a world scale. Also, it is evident that rapid and coordinated information sharing and international collaborations are the only way to solve such a crisis. In this regard, the cultivation of well-informed and capable next-generation leaders is extremely important for us, which is FUTI’s mission.

It has been more than 14 years since the inception of FUTI. We are full of gratitude to all the generous contributions we receive every year in support of our primary mission, the FUTI Scholarship programs. Alumni organizations such as the Akamonkai and Ichokai provide various opportunities in New York and around the world for UTokyo alumni. FUTI has been closely working with these organizations to reach out and nurture our younger-generation UTokyo students and alumni in order to cultivate future global leaders. For FUTI’s organization and various activities, please refer to the 2021 Annual Report.

We are currently in the middle of the spring campaign which will end on June 30, 2022. We greatly appreciate your support in any amount suitable for you.

Please visit friendsofutokyo.org/donate for online and postal donations. In the donation form, you are encouraged to specify to which program your donation will be applied.

Best regards,
Iwao Ojima, President