FUTI Advisory Committee Member, Professor Iwao Ojima, University Distinguished Professor, Stony Brook University – State University of New York, recently received the prestigious 2019 Ernest Guenther Award from the American Chemical Society. The Guenther Award recognizes outstanding achievements in the analysis, structure elucidation, and chemical synthesis of natural products. The past award recipients include five Nobel laureates (e.g., Professor Satoshi Omura, Kitasato Institute) and the award is recognized as the highest prize in the chemistry of natural products worldwide. Professor Ojima is honored for his outstanding work on taxol and taxane-class diterpenes at the interface of natural product chemistry, synthetic methodology, medicinal chemistry, chemical biology, and medicine. The award was presented to Professor Ojima at the Award Ceremony and Banquet on Tuesday, April 2, 2019, in conjunction with the 257th ACS National Meeting in Orlando. There was an Award Symposium honoring Dr. Ojima at the same meeting in which he gave the Award Lecture and received a medallion associated with the Award. (For details, see https://news.stonybrook.edu/facultystaff/iwao-ojima-receives-ernest-guenther-award-in-chemistry/.)