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Event Information:
Fri09Aug20248:30PM-9:30PM ETONLINE
How Can the University of Tokyo Expand Its Influence Globally?
FUTI FIRESIDE CHAT SERIES- 2Title: How Can The University of Tokyo Expand Its Influence Globally?[東大が世界的に影響力を拡大していくためには?]Aug 9, 2024, Friday, 8.30pm-9.30pm+ (EDST) [Saturday, Aug 10, 9.30am~10.30am+, Japan] ONLINEFriends of UTokyo is pleased to present this online dialogue featuring three distinguished alumni: Professor Iwao Ojima, Mr. Ko-Yung Tung and Ms. Eri Furusawa. Dr. Ojima is an internationally renowned scientist and the Distinguished Professor of Chemistry at the State University of New York at Stony Brook. Prof. Ko-Yung Tung is Lecturer on Law at Harvard Law School, was the Senior Vice President of the World Bank and partner at major international law firms. Ms. Eri Furusawa is an HR&A professional, an urban planner, and supports public- and private-sector clients on issues of equitable governance, inclusive community engagement, and climate change. Prof. Geeta Mehta will chair this event with Dr. Masako Osako facilitating the optional social gathering section. (All bios are at this page).This event is part of a series created to bring together UTokyo international alumni for encouraging dialogues among UTokyo alumni and friends.Abstract:The University of Tokyo is committed to serving the global public as outlined in the University charter. Under the leadership of the former President Gonokami in 2017, the University of Tokyo created the Future Society Initiatives (FSI) and has undertaken a variety of measures, including “the expansion of diversity and inclusiveness, the international visibility of UTokyo's potential, and the fostering of human resources capable of leading GX (green transformation)." Under the leadership of the current President, Prof. Fujii, the University has launched an initiative to establish a “College of Design” (tentative name) as part of its efforts to "create a model university for the 21st Century". Capitalizing on the extensive and diverse international experience of participating alumni, we expect to come up with deeper insight into the initiative as well as suggestions as to how alumni may help the university’s efforts, which will be conveyed to the office of the President Fujii.Format: Zoom invite will be sent to people who RSVPLanguage: English (panel discussion), English and Japanese (Q and A)RSVP: Please RSVP by August 6 using the online registration form (https://forms.gle/BeR98krRYjCvcUGd8) or email info [at] friendsofutokyo.org with 1) your name, 2) email address, 3) major and year of graduation at Tokyo, 4) current affiliation, 5) questions for the presenters.Organizer: Friends of UTokyo (www.friendsofutokyo.org)Co-sponsors: Satsuki-kai America, FUTI Alumni Association (to be confirmed) and othersNote: Photos taken during the session may be used in FUTI’s online and offline publications. Please inform the organizer prior to the lecture if you do not wish to be included in the photos.
Past Events
Fri09Aug20248:30PM-9:30PM ETONLINEFUTI FIRESIDE CHAT SERIES- 2Title: How Can The University of Tokyo Expand Its Influence Globally?[東大が世界的に影響力を拡大していくためには?]Aug 9, 2024, Friday, 8.30pm-9.30pm+ (EDST) [Saturday, Aug 10, 9.30am~10.30 [read more…]
Mon29Apr20246:00 - 8:00 PM ETUTokyo NY Office:145 W. 57th St., 21st Fl. New York, NY 10019
Lecture by winner of the 2023 Wolf Prize in Chemistry and University of Tokyo Prof. Hiroaki Suga:
"From Basic Research to Innovation: The Dawn of UTokyo's First Startup"(in Japanese)
2023年にウルフ賞を受賞したこ [read more…]
Thu21Mar20241:00 PM - 5:10 PMUTokyo NY Office:145 W. 57th St., 21st Fl. New York, NY 10019
Registration: Advanced registration is required.
※Free Admission
Facilitator: Yuichiro KUWAMA [The Mount Sinai Hospital ]
Yoshiko MITO [Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai]
13:00-13:10 O [read more…]
Mon22Jan20249:00 PM - 10:00 PM ETOnline
FUTIのサポートを受けながらコロンビア大学大学院フィルムスクールを修了(2018年)された後、日本をベースにしながら国際共同での映画製作に励む後藤美波さん(東大OG)を囲む講演・懇親会を企画致しました。 皆様、是非御参加ください。お友達、ご家族の参加も大歓迎です。
この度、後藤美波さんが脚本と共同プロデュースを手がけられた長編映画「ブルーイマジン」が、著名な映画祭第53回ロッテルダム国際映画祭 [read more…]
Fri10Nov20239:00 PM - 10:00 PM ETOnline
~米国での上手な医者の 掛かり方~現場で働く臨床医の視点から~
東大友の会(FUTI: Friends of UTokyo Inc.)では、コロンビア大学准教授で医師の島田悠一氏による講演会・懇親会を開催いたします。島田氏には、誰もが気になるアメリカでの医師へのかかり方を中心にご講演頂きます。また、氏のこれまでのキャリアや日本を飛び出してみて感じることなどをざっくばらんにお話しいただく予定です。 [read more…]
Fri28Jul20239:00 PM - 10:00 PM ETOnline
(In Japanese)
田中氏には上記のテーマでお話いただきます。田中氏のご専門である水問題、特に気候変動が世界各国へ持たらす影響に関する話題に加え、氏のこれまでのキャリ [read more…]
Fri27Jan20238:00PM - 9:00PM ETOnline
津田副学長と運動部OB/OG による講演と懇親会「東京⼤学とスポーツ:スポーツが⼤学全体を盛り上げられるか」(1/27/2023)
東大友の会、さつき会アメリカ共同企画の、津田敦副学長と運動部OB/OG による講演・懇親会を開催いたします。東京大学執行役・副学長(社会連携推進)の津田教授は、東大友の会の理事も務めておられます。
スポーツは、東大にとって、これから大きな成長が期待される分野です。津田 [read more…]
Hayato Kume (UTokyo alumnus), First Secretary of the Embassy of Japan in the USA, gives a talk titled “Japan’s Coronavirus Policies as Seen from my Perspective Gained in the United States.” This event [read more…]
Fri29Jul20228:00PM - 9:00PM ETZoom
Friends of UTokyo is pleased to present an online dialogue by Ko-Yung Tung, esq. who is an eminent international lawyer and scholar and a global business and strategy advi [read more…]
Fri22Apr20228:00PM - 9:00PM ETOnline
河本雄 在米国日本国大使館公使による講演と懇親会 : 「現場から見たバイデン政権-対外経済政策を中心に 」(4/22, オンライン)
東大友の会、さつき会アメリカ共同企画の、 河本雄 在米国日本国大使館公使による講演・懇親会を開催いたします。河本氏は 2018年6月から在米国日本国大使館の公使として、経済、貿易、産 業、ビジネス、エネルギーを含む政策分野を担当しておられます。また、東大友の会の諮 [read more…]
(Japanese only)
国際化が更に進む中で、留学、海外派遣が増える傾向にあります。留学、海外派遣には当人のみでなく、同行する配偶者にもOpportunities and Challengesを伴います。「海外派遣された場合、充実したキャリアとファミリーライフを継続するにはどうすればよいのか?」というテーマで、海外在住経験のある、大学、日本企業、国際機関、及びフリーランスでご活躍の卒業生数 [read more…]
Sat09Oct20219:00 - 10:00PM ETZoom
In Japanese
東工大名誉教授・栄誉教授、Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago (TTIC)理事長でおられる古井貞熙氏(東大OB)を囲む講演・懇親会を企画致しました。 皆様、是非御参加ください。お友達、ご家族の参加も大歓迎です。
先生は国際的に著名な音声認識研究者でおられますが、2013〜2019年の間TTICの学長を勤められました。最近出版さ [read more…]
Sat18Sep20219:00 AM ETOnline
(In Japanese)
ヤングプロフェッショナルシリーズ: ノルウェー生命科学大学 生物科学部 齊藤真理恵助教授とのダイアローグ
ノルウェー生命科学大学 生物科学部齊藤真理恵助教授(東大OG)を囲む講演・懇親会を企画致しました。齊藤先生は分子進化学、集団遺伝学、自然人類学などの分野で日本、米国、ヨーロッパとご活躍です。ヤングプロフェッショナルの将来性と熱気のある革新的な講演に皆様、是非御参加く [read more…]
Sat20Feb20217:30 pmOnline
(In Japanese)
小出小平先生リンクhttps://med.nyu.e [read more…]
Thu11Feb20217:00 pm ETOnline
Young Professional Series: Lecture by FUTI Scholarship Recipient and Current Harvard/MIT Graduate Student, Tomohito Okuda
(In Japanese only)
[2月11日(木)Zoom, 7pm~ EST] 申込締切:2 月8日 (月)
Harvard 大学(Master [read more…]
Sat12Sep202010:00 am - 11:30 am ETOnline
Satsuki-kai America and Friends of UTokyo (FUTI) are pleased to present an online dialogue with Ms. Akiko Sakaedani, formerly with UNICEF's Rwanda Office. She has recently published a book titled “Do [read more…]
Wed29Jul20208:00 pm - 9:30 pm ETOnline
Friends of UTokyo (FUTI) is pleased to present an online dialogue between Prof. Peter J. Macotullio (Director, Institute for Sustainable Cities at Hunter College; UTokyo professor, 2001-2006) and Dr. [read more…]
Fri28Feb20206:00 pm - 8:00 pmTiger Pacific Capital, 101 Park Avenue, 33rd Floor, New York, NY 10178
This lecture will be in Japanese
打越さんには上記の [read more…]
Thu30Jan20206:00 pm - 8:00 pmTiger Pacific Capital, 101 Park Avenue, 33rd Floor, New York, NY 10178
This lecture will be in Japanese
タイトル:「日本企業の建値通貨選択と為替リスク管理 Managing Currency Risk :How Japanese Firms Choose Invoicing Currency」
コロンビア大学教授(兼)政策研究大学院大学(夏季)特別教授でおられる伊藤 隆敏教授が共著された、『Managin [read more…]
Fri15Mar20196:00 pm - 8:00 pmUTokyo New York Office, 145 West 57th Street, 21st floor, NYC
Paclitaxel (Taxol®) and docetaxel are among the most widely used chemotherapeutic drugs against various t [read more…]
Wed27Feb20196:00 pm - 8:00 pmTiger Pacific Capital, 101 Park Avenue, 48th floor, New York, NY 10178
(Only in Japanese)
「スニークプレビュー短編映画 ”ブレイカーズ”」
コロンビア大フィルム学部を昨年卒業された後藤美波さ [read more…]
Fri16Nov20186:00 pm - 8:00 pmTiger Pacific Capital, 101 Park Avenue, 48th floor, New York, NY 10178
(In Japanese)
タンパク質デザイン分野で国際的に著名な研究者でおられる小出教授には上記のテーマでお話いただきます。 本年のノーベル医学賞と化学賞に直接関連のある非常にタイムリーなテーマであるため、 質疑応答の時間も十分に取ってございます。
一生のうちでがんを発症する人は人口の4割に達すると言われています。がん治療の成 [read more…]
Fri28Sep20186:00 pm - 8:00 pmTiger Pacific Capital, 101 Park Avenue, 48th floor, New York, NY 10178
(In Japanese)
東大執行役・副学長でおられる藤井輝夫教授を囲む講演・懇親会を企画致しました。 皆様、是非御参加ください。お友達、ご家族の参加も大歓迎です。教授は東京大学社会連携本部長もなされています。
マイクロフルイディクス分野で国際的に著名な研究者でおられる藤井教授には[海を知るためのテクノロジー]というテーマでお話いただきます。 非常にタイムリ [read more…]
Fri22Jun20186:00 pm - 8:00 pmTiger Pacific Capital, 101 Park Avenue, 48th floor, New York, NY 10178
(In Japanese)
東工大名誉教授・栄誉教授、Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago (TTIC)学長でおられる古井貞熙氏(東大OB)を囲む講演・懇親会を企画致しました。 皆様、是非御参加ください。お友達、ご家族の参加も大歓迎です。教授は東京大学総長諮問機関(Gl [read more…]
Fri03Nov20176:00 pm - 8:00 pmTiger Pacific Capital, 101 Park Avenue, 33rd Floor, New York, NY 10178
(In Japanese)
コロンビア大学教授(兼)政策研究大学院大学(夏季)特別教授でおられる伊藤 隆敏氏を囲む講演・懇親会を企画致しました。 皆様、是非御参加ください。お友達、ご家族の参加も大歓迎です。教授はコロンビア大学School of International Public Affairs (SIPA) でProfessor o [read more…]
Mon02Oct20176:00 pm - 8:00 pmTiger Pacific Capital, 101 Park Avenue, 33rd Floor, New York, NY 10178
(In Japanese)
日本薬学会および日本薬理学会を中心に学会活動を行なわれ、 [read more…]
Thu11May20176:00pm - 8:00pmUTokyo New York Office, 145 W.57th St., 21st Fl., New York, NY 10019
By Ray Iwazumi, internationally respected violinist and musicological scholar
Friends of UTokyo is pleased to announce a presentation by Dr. Ray Iwazumi, internationally respected violinist and music [read more…]
Sat06May201711:45am - 12:45pmThe University of Tokyo New York Office, 145 57th St. 21st FL., NYC
Lecture: "Social Advancement of Japanese Women: Viewed from a Global Perspective”
Lecturer: Minister Jun Saito, Permanent Mission of Japan to the Unite Nations.With the support of Friends of UTokyo, [read more…]
Fri21Apr20175:30pm - 7:15pmPaul Hastings, LLC - MetLife Building, 200 Park Avenue, 26th floor, New York, NY, 10166
On April 21, 2017, Dr. Yoshinori Ohsumi, Professor Emeritus of the Tokyo Institute of Technology, will give a lecture in New York titled “Reflections Since Receiving the Noble Prize”. The event will b [read more…]
Fri30Sep20166:00pm to 8:00pmMorrison & Foerster LLP, 250 West 55th Street, New York, NY 10019-9601
*Please note this lecture will be in Japanese
Lecture: "The Expanding Ocean Desert"
Lecturer: Ken Furuya, Professor in the Department of Aquatic Bioscience and Executive Vice President of The Universi [read more…]
Mon16May20166:30pm-8:30pmJapan External Trade Organization (JETRO) NY 565 Fifth Avenue, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10017
Language: Lecture will be given in English.
Admission fee: $25 (To cover the cost of light snack and drinks)
RSVP: Required. Please reply to info
friendsofutokyo.org by May 12, Thursday. Space availabi [read more…]
Fri11Mar2016UTokyo New York Office
Lecturer: Dr. Masaaki Yamada
Distinguished Research Fellow, Princeton Plasma Physics LaboratorySupported by: UTokyo New York Office, New York Ichokai, Satsuki-kai America
Thu29Oct2015UTokyo New York Office
Lecturer: Prof. Takatoshi Ito
Columbia University, School of International Public Affairs, and National Graduate Institute for Policy StudiesSupported by: UTokyo New York Office, Satsuki-kai America
Sat19Sep2015UTokyo New York Office
Lecturer: Prof. Ken Furuya
Director and Executive Vice President of the University of Tokyo
Professor in the Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, UTokyo
Director of Friends of UTokyo, In [read more…] -
Wed20May2015UTokyo New York Office
Lecturer: Prof. Kiichi Fujiwara
Graduate Schools for Law and Politics, Policy Alternative Research Institute, University of TokyoSupported by: UTokyo New York Office, New York Ichokai, Satsuki-kai Am [read more…]
Fri14Nov2014UTokyo New York Office
Lecturer: Yuichiro Kuwama, MD
Medical Director, the Japanese Medical Practice, Division of Mount Sinai Beth Israel
Vice President, Friends of UTokyo, Inc.Supported by: UTokyo New York Office, New Yor [read more…]