Upcoming Events

Event Information:

  • Thu

    Urban Sanitation and International Development: Future of Decentralized Infrastructure

    7:00 pm ETOnline

    Young Professional Series: Lecture by FUTI Scholarship Recipient and Current Harvard/MIT Graduate Student, Tomohito Okuda

    (In Japanese only)

     [2月11日(木)Zoom, 7pm~ EST] 申込締切:2 月8日 (月)

    Harvard 大学(Master in Public Administration in International Development [MPA/ID]プログラム)/MIT (Master of Business Administration (MBA)プログラム)在学中の奥田朋仁さん(東大OB)を囲む講演・懇親会を企画致しました。奥田さんは2020-21年度米国伊藤財団—FUTI奨学金を受賞されています。ヤングプロフェッショナルの将来性と熱気のある革新的な講演に皆様、是非御参加ください。お友達、ご家族の参加も大歓迎です。

    奥田さんには上記のテーマでお話いただきます。 非常にタイムリーなテーマであるため、 質疑応答の時間も十分に取ってございます。 講演とQ&Aの後に懇親会も 予定しています。東大体験プログラムでNYを訪問中の学部生10名ほどが参加しますので、OB/OGの皆様との対話を楽しみにしています。




    日時:2021年2月11日 [木曜日]

    午後7時〜8時 [講演及びQ&A ]、8時〜8時30分[懇親会]



    申し込み:2月8日 (月)必着

    Google Drive 申込:

    [お申込みの方に Zoom invitation をお送りいたします。]

    Google Driveにアクセスできない方は、こちらまで。 info [at]お名前、卒業学部, 年度、住所、勤務先をご記入ください。)



    共催:東大友の会、FUTI Alumni Association (TBD)


    奥田朋仁(おくだともひと)。慶應義塾大学主席卒業後、東京大学大学院都市工学専攻及びフランス国立土木学校にてセネガルのスラム改善を研究。NGO(セネガル)、国連(ケニア)、世界銀行(ケニア)でのインターンシップを経て、三菱商事にて5年間、中東・アジアにおける水・電力インフラの開発に取り組む。2019年に退職し、米国伊藤財団—FUTI並びにフルブライト奨学生として、Harvard Kennedy School及びMIT Sloan School of Managementに留学。留学中、Sanergyフェローとして同社のビジネス拡大に携わる。2022年修了予定。

Past Events

Event Information:

  • Sat

    ONLINE DIALOGUE SERIES: "Do You Hear the Sound of Hope?: Starting a Children’s Radio Program in Rwanda"

    10:00 am - 11:30 am ETOnline

    Satsuki-kai America and Friends of UTokyo (FUTI) are pleased to present an online dialogue with Ms. Akiko Sakaedani, formerly with UNICEF's Rwanda Office. She has recently published a book titled “Do you hear the sound of hope?” which discusses how she started Rwanda’s first radio program for children.


    Rwanda is a beautiful country with thousands of green hills. Many families in the villages do not own a TV, and radio is the main media. Back in 2013, there was no radio programme for small children, however. It was all about news, sports, and pop songs. As a believer in Early Childhood Development, Akiko decided to create the first children’s radio programme in Rwanda.

    Date/Time Saturday, September 12, 2020 10am-11.30am (EDT UTC-4) [Sept. 12, 11pm, Japan Standard Time]

    Format Zoom invite will be sent to people who RSVP.

    Language Japanese

    RSVP Required. Please RSVP by September 9, 2020, by emailing to satsukiamerika[at] with 1) your name, 2) email address, 3) major and year of graduation at Tokyo, 4) current affiliation, and 5) questions for the presenters.

    Organizer Satsuki-kai America

    Co-organizer Friends of UTokyo

    Photos Photos taken during the session may be used in FUTI’s online and offline publications. Please inform the organizer prior to the lecture if you do not wish to be included in the photos.

    Note: The opinions expressed during the dialogue may not necessarily represent those of the organizer or co-organizer.

    Biography Akiko Sakaedani Petrovic is an international development worker with 16 years of experience in Eastern Europe, Sub-Saharan Africa and Middle East. She mostly works in the area of health communication, partnership and donor relations. She was the co-director of Egypt Japan Education Partnership in 2019-2020, and currently works at UNICEF Regional Office for Eastern and Southern Africa to coordinate the communication response to COVID-19. Based on her experience in Rwanda from 2013-2018, she published a book in June 2020 from Chobunsha publishing company titled Kibo Kikoeru (Do you hear the sound of hope?). She was born in Tokyo, and graduated from University of Tokyo in 2001 majoring in anthropology. She holds a Master of Art’s Degree in Intercultural Communication, and Master of Science in Public Health. She is married and has a son.