Call for Proposals for the 2012 FUTI Grant Program

Friends of UTokyo, Inc. (FUTI) solicits grant proposals (up to $30,000) for projects/activities to be jointly pursued by UTokyo and academic institutions in the United States. The 2012 program is offered in the spring and the fall. The application deadlines are April 15 (Sun) and October 15 (Mon), respectively. For details on the application process, please refer to the Grant Application Procedure page on FUTI’s website. As described in this page, please submit a brief letter of intent or a brief “Project outine,” well in advance of the submission deadline. Information about the recipients of the 2011 grant can be found in FUTI Newsletter No. 2, and No.3, as well as in the Annual Report, pp. 4-5.
Dr. Masaaki Yamada, FUTI Director for University Relations comments, “While the world is diverse and often polarized, needs for international collaboration in research are greater than ever. We would like to encourage teams of UTokyo and U.S. university faculty members to apply for this program to get actively involved in exciting collaborative cultural and scientific research activities in the world.”

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