Friends of UTokyo, Inc. (FUTI) is now accepting applications for the 2015 Global Leadership Awards (FUTI-GLA). (1) UTokyo students interested in studying at U.S. universities and (2) students attending U.S. universities interested in internship and other programs at the UTokyo this summer are encouraged to apply. Application forms, deadlines, and other details are posted at www.friendsofutokyo.org. For questions, a contact can be made by sending an inquiry here.
Last year 13 UTokyo students received FUTI-GLA and attended summer programs or English language courses at U.S. universities. In addition, 7 FUTI-GLA recipients from U.S. universities traveled to UTokyo to attend the GSP (Global Summer Program) courses or serve as summer interns (for details, see the Roster of Recipients and the FUTI blog). Also a travel grant was awarded to a student in the PEAK or the Programs in English at Komaba.
We note that (1) an applicant for the FUTI Scholarship is required to apply also for the summer program at UTokyo and (2) it is a requirement of the FUTI award that the student has to be accepted by the UTokyo summer program to which he/she has applied.
Hisashi Kobayashi, President
Masaaki Yamada, Director in Charge of University Relations