The Chicago Akamon-kai, Satsuki-kai America, and Friends of UTokyo jointly held an online lecture event on April 22, 2022, with Ambassador Takeshi Komoto, who is the Minister of Economy, Trade, Industry/Business, and Energy, at the Embassy of Japan in the United States of America. The lecture was titled: “The Constraint of the Biden Administration and Japan-US Cooperation.”
Mr. Takeshi Komoto presented an overview of international trade policy and Japan-U.S. collaboration under the Biden administration. A lively Q and A session followed after his 45- minute presentation. Questions from participants were about various topics ranging from China policy to the environment and energy outlook. Some reflected on the current situation regarding Russia and Ukraine, and Mr. Takeshi Komoto provided thoughtful answers to each question.
After the formal segment, more than a half of the attendees stayed on to informally continue their exchange of opinions (Konshinkai).
The online format enabled over 35 members to join this event from the US, UK and Japan. Participants’ backgrounds were diverse, ranging from graduate students to corporate executives, scientists, and finance professionals. Participants expressed hope in continuing to deepen their fellowship/discussion going forward either in person or virtually.
The views and opinions expressed in the presentation were solely those of the presenter. This meeting was held under the Chatham House Rule.
Note: The original draft of this article was prepared by members of Chicago Akamon-kai.
For the bio of Mr. Komoto, please visit the FUTI Organization page.