Search Results for “Thong Nguyen”

Roster of Recipients

* All information listed below are based on data collected at the time of application. 2024 Joanna Marie Ang University of Tokyo, Junior; PEAK Japan in East Asia University of California, Los Angeles Summer Session Hana Chrenka University of Michigan, Sophomore; Chemistry UTSIP-Kashiwa Joyce Goh University of California, Los Angeles, Junior; Environmental Engineering UCEAP Summer…
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FY 2015-2016

Friends of UTokyo, Inc. gratefully acknowledge and appreciate the gifts from our donors which help to support the FUTI Global Leadership Awards and the other many activities to further the globalization and future development of The University of Tokyo in the U.S., Japan and in the world. FY 2015-16 total: 3 corporations†, 63 individuals; $316,709.61‡

FY 2014-2015

Friends of UTokyo, Inc. gratefully acknowledge and appreciate the gifts from our donors which help to support the FUTI Global Leadership Awards and the other many activities to further the globalization and future development of The University of Tokyo in the U.S., Japan and in the world. FY 2014-15 total: 3 corporations†, 52 individuals; $116,472‡

Excerpts of Reports by FUTI’s Scholarship Recipients in 2014

As reported in Newsletter Nos.10 & 11, thirteen UTokyo students and eight U.S. university students received the 2014 FUTI Global Leadership Award (FUTI-GLA). Three out of the 13 UTokyo students attended English language courses at Yale University or the University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley), two participated in the GSP at UC Berkeley, and the…
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Receptions for GSP and UTRIP Students

Receptions for GSP and UTRIP Students: Shig Matsushita This is a report of my participation in the reception parties held in mid-July at UTokyo for the GSP and UTRIP students, and a glimpse of both programs. I am glad to report that all FUTI scholarship awardees in both programs were found to be excellent, proactive…
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UTRIP Internship with Professor Hiroaki Aihara Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo

by Thong Nguyen The University of Texas at Dallas, Class of 2015 — Carved in my mind is the moment I received the acceptance email from UTRIP along with the FUTI scholarship award, which blew away the anxiety about midterm exams coming in late-March. Excitement piled up day after day for the long journey to discover…
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Thirteen UTokyo students and Six U.S. Students Receive FUTI’s 2014 Summer Scholarships

The Award Selection Committee met on March 8, 2014 at the Community Resource Exchange conference room in Downtown Manhattan. It was attended by Masaaki Yamada (Chair of the Committee and Director of University Relations), Hisashi Kobayashi, Shigenori Matsushita, Masako Osako, Nobuko Sakurai and Amy Vaida (Secretary to the Committee). In a series of discussions that…
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About FUTI FUTI (Friends of UTokyo, Inc.) is a not-for-profit charitable organization registered in the State of New York. FUTI provides financial support and opportunities for cooperation in joint projects and exchange of ideas for the worldwide community of UTokyo. The community includes individuals and organizations united with a common goal for participating in the…
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