2024-2025 Campaign Begins

The 2024-2025 FUTI Campaign is underway! Since the inception of Friends of UTokyo, Inc. in 2007, 298 scholarships have been awarded to support University of Tokyo students to study in the US and US university students to study at UTokyo.

These study abroad experiences, whether it be a few weeks participating in a summer internship or a long-term endeavor to obtain a degree, have made a valuable impact on the students’ lives. Students express their gratitude for the scholarship in their reports, often indicating that they would not have been able to afford the study abroad without the scholarship.

FUTI’s scholarship programs are made possible through the generous donations from UTokyo alumni and other supporters of Friends of UTokyo who believe in its mission to support the global leaders of tomorrow.

Click here to view the greetings from President Iwao Ojima and Vice-President Junji Takegami, and select scholarship recipients’ experiences.
For more information and to donate, please visit friendsofutokyo.org/donate.